Go To Timeline

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Keyboard shortcuts enable time-saving commands for all applications including Final Cut Pro. Some apps split the interface into multiple windows which allows shortcuts to behave differently depending on which window is active. The Final Cut interface is primarily contained within a single window using a blue line to indicate an active area. This allows shortcuts to be repurposed based on the active area.

As an example, with the timeline active (Command-2), pressing the space bar starts or stops the playback of the project. However, if the browser is active (Command-1), the space bar controls the playback of browser clips. Use Command-2 to activate the timeline and monitor the active area with the blue line to avoid triggering the wrong command.

Command-2 | Go to Timeline | Move focus to the timeline with this Final Cut Pro shortcut. The thin blue line at the top of the timeline indicates the active area
Learn Final Cut Pro | Tour of the Final Cut Pro Interface

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