One of the seven tools accessible from the Tools pop-up menu at the top left of the timeline, the Hand tool enables click and drag scrolling in the timeline and viewer. Enable the Hand tool by selecting it from the Tools pop-up menu or press the H key on the keyboard.
0:28 • Scrolling Timeline
0:48 • Temporarily Activate Hand Tool
1:04 • Hand Tool in the Viewer
Move closer or further away with the Zoom tool.
0:53 • Using the Hand Tool (H) in the Timeline
2:43 • Using the Zoom Tool (Z) in the Timeline and Viewer
5:10 • Work smarter by temporarily activating a tool
All of the Final Cut Pro tools can be temporarily activated by holding the shortcut key, then release the key. For the Hand tool hold the H key and Z for Zoom on the keyboard. The tool that was active before using the Hand or Zoom tool is activated when the key is released.