Copy and Paste Effects

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Working on a clip may only take a few seconds to create a simple transformation or it could be hours building a complex special effect. Apply the same changes to other clips using the copy and paste effects shortcut instead of repeating the steps over and over again. Copy the clip using Command-C (or Option-Command-C for convenience), select the other clip(s), and use Option-Command-V to apply the effects. This applies the attributes without any dialogue box. To see a list of attributes, use the Paste Attributes command (Shift-Command-V).

Option-Command-C | Copy Effects | Use this Final Cut Pro shortcut to copy the selected effects and their settings. Then, use the Option-Command-V shortcut to paste those effects onto another clip(s)
Option-Command-V | Paste Effects | While editing with Final Cut Pro, copy a clip, then use this shortcut to paste effects and their settings to a selection
Learn Final Cut Pro | Copy / Paste Effects & Attributes

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